Friday, 18 January 2008

Radio someone still loves you

I was contemplating my albums of the year choices yesterday, primarily the several albums that I haven’t yet managed to acquire. One of these would be Radiohead’s latest offering ‘In Rainbows’.

As an on-off Radiohead fan I’ve never rushed out to buy any of their albums usually purchasing them several months later, however the two tracks from said album; 'House of Cards' and 'Nude'have left me feeling more excited about ‘In Rainbows’ than any Radiohead release thus far. With the fact that they were literally giving the album away, I don’t know why I never got round to listening to it. I am an idiot(tech).
Whilst contemplating this walking home from work, I chanced upon a track at random by MIA called ‘Paper Planes’ on my MP3 player. Having been fairly nonplussed by her debut album and her live act , I automatically bypassed her latest offering, but if ‘Paper Planes’ is anything to go by, it would once again appear that I had ‘missed the boat’ re-itterating the observation that I am an idiot. Coincidentally last night, non other than Radiohead’s Thom Yorke and Ed Greenwood were filling in for Zane Lowe on his BBC Radio One show. The track they opened with? Non other than MIA’s ’Paper Planes’. Yay syncronisity! It was a great two hours worth of radio, and amongst other tracks aired, they played a Burial track called 'Ghost Hardware', which was one of the finest sounds I’ve heard for an age, Perhaps the hoards of writers pontificating about this album were onto something? (you've got the picture...I'm an idiot) They also played Sonic Youth’s ‘Youth against Fascism’ which was the very first Sonic Youth song I ever heard way back when a pal taped me a copy of Nirvana’s- Nevermind and filled the remaining 30 minutes with the aforementioned ‘Youth Against Fascism', Sugar’s ‘Changes’ and Ministry's epic 'N.W.O'- all of which I loved as much (if not more) than Nevermind.

Anyway, I decided a.) I was going to buy M.I.A, Radiohead and Burial’s albums and post these 'ere tracks.

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